November 21, 2023


I. WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER  Richie Griffin call to order in the Alumni House UINDY Motion for a secretary for meeting  

II. INTRODUCTIONS  Coordinator New people to meeting.   

III. LAST MEETING’S MINUTES  Secretary •  Review minutes from last meeting If needed   


    a)  Report of accounts  

    b)  Any Payments  

 Support the scholars at Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School this holidayseason. We have been able to sponsor over 200 scholars in the past. We would not be able to do it without the support of the community.

September 27, 2023


September 19, 2023 (16 people attending the meeting at the Stierwalt Alumni House)

Coordinator Richie Griffin called the meeting to order with a welcome to attendees and brief introductions, and Treasurer Nigel Shoaff volunteered to take notes.

September 17, 2023

UHNA Minutes:  July 18, 2023 at UIndy Alumni House

Minutes from March and May meetings accepted.

August 14, 2023

 New signs are available. If you would like to have one FREE to place on your yard, please contact Richie at:

July 11, 2023

Location: Alumni House UINDY | July 18,2023 | 7pm


I. WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER  Richie Griffin call to order in the Alumni House UINDY Motion for a secretary for meeting  

II. INTRODUCTIONS  Coordinator New people to meeting.   

III. LAST MEETING’S MINUTES  Secretary •  Read minutes from last meeting.   

June 16, 2023

 University Heights Neighborhood Association

Meeting Minutes:  May 16, 2023. 7 pm.                                   

Location: UIndy Stierwalt Alumni House, 4021 Otterbein Ave. Indpls. 46227

Welcome/Call to Order. Richie Griffin, Co-Coordinator.

Secretary selected for this meeting:  Ruth Soper


  • ·         Richie Griffin. Co-Coordinator
  • ·         Richie announced that Rachel McElwain will not continue as Co-Coordinator
  • ·         Those present introduced themselves.

May 15, 2023



I. WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER - Richie Griffin call to order in the Alumni House UINDY 

Motion for a secretary for meeting 

May 1, 2023

Happy Retirement to UHNA long time Co-coordinator Jeri Warner. Thank you for all your efforts towards a better neighborhood.

April 26, 2023

 Attached is the Spring 2023 UHNA Newsletter. This is a great way to stay updated, and to stay in touch. Click on the image below to access the Newsletter.

March 23, 2023


 Roger Chavez - recruitment at Emma Donan

Eddie Rangel - Adalante schools director

Maddie McCormick - I69 finish line

Andy Dietrich - INDOT major projects division

Jerry Shepherd - neighbor (wife Ann)

Kate Voss - SEND

Caitlin Morgan - Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocate

Marianna Foulkrod - Service Learning

March 20, 2023


We hope you'll join us on Tuesday night for lots of important topics, including updates on the completion of I69 over the next 2 years. We meet at the Stierwalt Alumni House. Agenda and minutes are attached. 


Agenda for March 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM at Alumni House

February 1, 2023

 University Heights Neighborhood Association (UHNA) Minutes 

January 17, 2023 (15 people attending the meeting at Stierwalt Alumni House)

Coordinator Jeri Warner called the meeting to order with a welcome to attendees and brief introductions, and Treasurer Nigel Shoaff volunteered to take notes.

Jeri asked neighbors to vote on Rachel McElwain as co-coordinator, and the vote was unanimous in favor of Rachel taking on this position. Rachel could not attend due to illness. Jeri expressed hope another person would join Rachel in the role as co-coordinator.

January 17, 2023

 Mark your calendars. Below are the scheduled UHNA meetings for 2023.

  1. January 17,2023  
  2. March 21, 2023
  3. May 16, 2023
  4. July 18, 2023
  5. September 19, 2023
  6. November 21, 2023 

Meetings start at 7:00pm EST. And are usually held at the University Heights pocket park or the UIndy Alumni House. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.