January 14, 2017

University Heights Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2016
Attendees:  27

I.               Meeting called to order by Jeri Warner, Co-Chairperson
a.    Introduction of Leadership Committee and new neighbors attending meeting

II.             Nita McCormick – I.N.R.C.
a.    Announced Neighbor Power Indy meeting Saturday March 4, 2017 8 am to 3 pm
b.    Meeting at Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road
c.     Free event.  Registration starts January, 2017.  Must RSVP to attend

III.           Announcement of Gratitude for Neighborhood work.

IV.           Minutes of September, 2016 Meeting introduced
a.    No corrections or additions
b.    Approval moved and seconded.  Passed without opposition

V.             IMPD 
a.     Discussion of home break-in three weeks ago.   Advice – “Think like a thief”.  Invest in new locks, video cameras, and record serial numbers of valuable items in homes.
b.    Parking – 22 tickets issued to vehicles illegally parked.  10 vehicles towed for illegal parking.

VI.           Mike Oles – Power Indy Forward Campaign
a.    22 Toxic Superpolluters in country, 5 in Indiana
b.    Indianapolis has had cleanest air since 1930’s since shut down of Harding Street Power Plant
c.     Discussion of plans to close 8 coal ash ponds at Harding Street Power Plant; 7 of which are unlined.
                                              i.     Company proposes covering top of ponds only
                                            ii.     Group wants company to remove all coal ash and move it to lined dump to be monitored
                                          iii.     Asked for signatures on petition to remove coal ash
                                            iv.     Requested that UHNA support coal ash removal.
1.     Resolution to support proposal  made
2.     Resolution seconded
3.     Resolution passed unanimously

VII.         Jeff Miller reported on recent activity in Indianapolis Government.

VIII.       Cory – UINDY student – announced leaf raking service project for students.  Took names and addresses.  Will draw 2 names.

IX.            Lauren Johnson, Principal School 65
a.    Reported on first quarter activity
b.    Asked for community members for school leadership team
c.     Announced Saturday school and requested residents be aware of children present on Saturdays
d.    Requested volunteers to come to speak to students about careers

X.              Judy Gray – Garfield Park Library. 

XI.            Report on Mayor’s Action Center requests and WOW cards

XII.          Parking Update – Ruth Soper
a.    All signs in place re parking restrictions
b.    Inquiry regarding when gravel will be placed on remaining 2 sides of the exterior of parking south of the Healthplex.  Ruth has contacted Pam Fox

XIII.        Scartlett Martin – Final QOL plan submitted.  December13 plan to be unveiled at 5 to 7 pm at the UINDY Health Pavilion.

XIV.        501C3, Jeri Warner, Jim Pennell
a.    Question whether obtaining 501C3 status is necessary; perhaps not.
b.    Since UHNA has no property and little funding, there is no liability, can file as a non-profit organization with state, get EIN number from IRS (cost $75) and be a 501C6 or 501C7 organization.  Must file an annual report.  Will be able to get a bank account.
c.     Recommended becoming a 501C6 or 501C7 to get a bank account (can reconsider becoming a 501C3 later to do charitable work if desired).
d.    Motion made and seconded to become a 501C6 or 501C7.
e.    Motion passed without dissent

XV.          Jeri Warner stated that UHNA have a winter event might be nice.  Asked for suggestions and volunteers.

XVI.        Allie Kast – Neighborhood Advocate Provided information on:
a.    Open Burning
b.    Leaf Pick up

c.     Animal Care Services are at capacity.  Public can obtain cat or dog for 15.00


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