The online addition will carry info about the garage sale through the weekend.
Remember, while this is a neighborhood wide garage sale, you will host your items in your garage, front porch or in your yard.
Try and be outside by 7:30AM. Big buyers are early birders.
- Have calculators, pens, newspaper to wrap breakables, boxes, and bags handy.
- Have plenty of change and one dollar bills on hand.
- Set up a secure area for your sales transactions to enable you to keep a close eye on your money box.
- Inform your direct neighbors that you are having a garage sale. Offer to rope their yard so people don't park on their grass.
- Have extension cords plugged into outlets so that electrical items can be tested.
- Plan to set an inviting mood by playing soft, easy-listening music.
- If you are short on help, consider wearing a 3-pocket apron or a fanny-wrapper purse, so that you can keep your money near you while you mingle with your shoppers.
From the Fun Times Guide to Yard Sales:
If You've Had A Yard Sale Before...
And if you want to do it even better the next time, then take the time to jot down some notes, and make a point to save any items that you can reuse at future yard sales.
For example, I've probably hosted a dozen or so yard sales in my lifetime, and I have one large Rubbermaid container that contains all my "necessities". So, whenever it's time to have another yard sale, I just drag out that one bin and everything I need is right there.
What's inside:black sharpie markers | flags, pennants, balloons |
blue painter's tape | staple gun |
coin box | waist aprons with pockets |
leftover posterboard | any old, leftover signs |
clear see-thru page protectors | notepad of all my notes & a pen |
mr. clean magic erasers |
Prepare Your Individual Items For Sale
Those little white cubes worked "magic" for cleaning things up a bit. For the yardsale, they worked best on hardbound books, removing soot from candle jars & candle holders, and cleaning out all the tiny nooks & crannies on plastic things like coolers, chairs, handles, lids, etc.
Also helpful were Lysol Cleaning Wipes. I used those to wipe-down practically everything I was selling.
As a result, many of the items I was selling looked much newer than they actually were!
Decide What You're Going To Do With The Dog
The the dog lover in me agrees with The Queen of Yard Sales:Although you may have the friendliest dog in the world, it's best to keep them away from your yard sale. Some people are afraid of dogs or are allergic. The day of your yard sale may be the day that your friendly dog, unaccustomed to the excitement of all the people, may decide to take a chunk out of the toddler that pulls on his tail. (Or jump up on customer and get mud on a customer's pants - but hey, I swear it wasn't my fault - that customer shouldn't have come to my yardsale until I was officially opened!) It's also for the dog's safety as well, since cars will be coming and going from your driveway."
At first, I gave my (very shy) dog room to roam back & forth from the kitchen to the garage -- up to a certain point where I'd strategically placed tables to "block off" the back of the garage. But after awhile, I decided this was a bit confusing to him, so I let him hang out in the house alone. If your dog isn't particularly comfortable entertaining himself in the house alone, you may want to try a crate or kennel instead. (My dog would've done just as well inside his crate.)
Good tips!
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