May 7, 2014

Calling all neighbors.  We have another pocket park work day coming up next Saturday.  We need as much neighborhood support as possible so please feel free to recruit your friends and family for the event.  The last work day we partnered with UIndy students and faculty and had a great turn out.  We are hoping for robust attendance from neighbors for the second work day.

Pocket Park Work Day - Saturday, May 17th 9:00 am - Noon:
We will be meeting at the pocket park located on Edwards and Matthews.  Work will continue on the development of the green space.

UHNA Neighborhood Meeting - Tuesday, May 20th - 7:00 - 8:00 pm:
This is a call out to anyone needing to request time on the agenda or discussion points.  Please respond if you have items to add or need time on the agenda. Meeting will be held at the Stierwalt Alumni House. 


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